INTRODUCTION Syria is 'run' by the Al-Assad family. It has been for
many years. The Assad's are member of the Alawite sect of Shia Islam.
Long story short, pretty soon after Islam was founded, Shia and
Sunnis split. And they hate each other in the way that only former
friends can.
REGIONAL BALANCE OF POWER Up until 2003, Iran was the only majority
Shia country on the planet. Every other muslim country was EITHER 1) A
sunni Majority, or 2) Had a Sunni ruler in place. This was the cause of
the civil war in Iraq, Saddam had been Sunni, but the country was
majority Shia.
Syria is a majority Sunni country, BUT, the ruling group (Asad's) are
Shia. There is also a sizeable Christain minority. Iran and Syria are
close, as they are both Shia governed countries. But Syria, as
mentioned, is different to Iran in that Shia are the minority.
The other major country to note here is Saudia Arabia. Sunni Islam, and really dislike Shia muslims.
ARAB SPRING In Early 2011, a fruit vendor in Tunisia, protesting
against corruption and the difficulty in eeking out a subsistence, set
himself on fire, and with him, went the whole region. Morroco, Algeria,
Tunisia, Libya, Eygpt, Yemen and Syria all saw significant protests
against the ruling Parties (Countries where living was not as
difficult/the ruling party was popular/ countries were better governed
saw some protests, but generally, concessions were made and agreements
were reached). They all ended differently.
Morrocco and Alegeria saw the Monarchs make promises/ reprimand the
government, promise increased freedoms. This combined with the better
local living conditions saw the protests peeter out. Bahrain put down
their protests with no aversion to violence. The west kept relatively
quiet about this. Tunisia, Yemen and Eygpt saw their governments
Only in Libya and Syria did it go to an all out civil war. In Libya,
Gaddaffi was already unpopular with the west for his state-sponsorship
of terrorism. Assad had generally flown under the radar, but people
didn't like him as he was close to Iran (for reasons mentioned earlier).
WHAT RUSSIA AND SYRIA LEARNT FROM LIBYA. Gaddaffi, already a cartoon
villian in the west, went out 'guns blazing' against the
protester-come-rebels. Uprisings in various cities (Bengahzi etc) were
being put down. Libya's limited airforce was proving a decisive factor
both militarially and psychologically. Before long, it was clear to the
rebels that victory, without air assets would be costly and expensive.
To drive this point home, Gaddaffis air assets were hitting civilian and
military targets as if to suggest that there was nothing they could do
to resist him. No-where to hide.
The UN Secuirty Counsel, as a result of air assets being used in
civilians, passed a resolution enforcing a no-fly-zone over Libya. (Note
about the UNSC. It is 15 members, but the 5 that count are the 5
victorious powers from WWII, Russia, China, USA, UK and France. They all
have a 'Veto' ie, if something is proposed for the UNSC to do, any 1 of
these 5 can veto it, and it is dead, no matter the opinion of the other
14 members. In practice this means convincing Russia and China to let
the resolutions that US/Uk/'the west' want to go through, to be allowed
to pass.)
The idea being that Libyan air planes would no longer be free to bomb
civilians. However, at the risk of using imflamatory terminology, China
and Russia were upset at how 'Protection of Civilians' turned into
'UK/US providing air support to Rebels to oust Gaddaffi'. The Wests air
support sung the tide of battle and Tripoli fell to the Rebels weeks
later. Gaddaffi was found in a ditch and shot. Government of 40+ years
over. Democracy? We'll see.
RUSSIA: 'FOOL ME ONCE, SHAME ON YOU'. This left just one country in a
state of flux. Syria. Already unpopular with the west due to it's
'closeness' to Iran, Syria's unpopularity deepened when the Government
refused to make deomcratic reform (objectionable to 'Western Countries')
and started cracking down on/ torturing pro-democracy supporters
(really objectionable to 'Western Countries').
Russia was much more attached to Syria. It's closer geographically,
culturally, economically. Russia liked the Government in Syria, and
frankly, Russia isn't too fussed if you are heavy-handed with
protestors. But most importantly. Russia only Port in the Mediterrainian
Sea is in Syria. If it loses that, no russian warships could be in the
Mediterrainian except as Turkey or UK/Spain permit.
So, for economic, cultural and religious reasons. SYRIA IS NOT SO
So when Western Governments came to the UNSC and said 'We must do for
Syria what we did for Libya', the Russians and Chinese shut that down.
No way. Not going to happen. Without a UNSC mandate to intervene, any
action would be in breach of international law. Which brings us too...
'WESTERN' DEMOCRATIC VALUES The West likes to support people who will
be democratic and follow international laws. To this end, Obama has
stated that the use of Chemical weapons in Syria would represent a 'red
line' which would trigger NATO intervention, regardless of UNSC
approval. Fact is, if you are going to break with international law and
invade a country, you need a damn good excuse. Chemcial weapons are such
an excuse.
Fair or not, Western Countries are seen as protectors world-wide.
When the Genocide in Rwanda happened, it was condemned as a War Crime.
But who was responsible for sitting back and doing nothing? US, Canada,
UK, France, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, Holland, Spain 'Western
Countries'. No-one blamed the Chinese or Russians for their failure to
Casting themselves in this role, it is these countries that people look to for support against dictators.
CHANGING NATURE OF THE REBELLIION The rebels, when originally formed,
were seen in a almost universally positive light, defectors from a
corrupt regieme, and brave freedom fighters looking to overthrow a
As time went on, and as more and more focus was placed on the rebels,
Western Governments grew suspicious that these were not/were no longer
brave freedom fighters, but Al Qieda/ Taliban/ Anti-West fighters, who
were interesting in using the fluid state of Syria to win the rebellion
and set up a hardline muslim country.
WHERE DOES THAT ALL LEAVE US? Time and again the West calls for
democratic reform. And will support rebels with this goal. The West
finds the repression of protests, along with the torture of protesters
and the use of chemical weapons particularly objectionable. This, and
Syria's relationship to Iran, and Russia, particularly the projection of
Russian sea power, has meant that the west sees Syria as a Government,
which if it were to fall, would not be missed. Knowing that UNSC
approval for military intervention would be impossible, President Obama
stated that UNSC approval or no, we'd go and take out the Syrians if
Chemical weapons were used.
Chemcials weapons have been used, but we can not confirm by whom.
So we watch, and we wait. Russia has made it obvious that it will
stand by Syria. Whether that means actual military actions against US
and other western nations should they try to intervene in Syria, it's
not clear. Also the problem of after-math rears its ugly head. Since the
'Red line' comment, there are more and more indicators, that the Rebels
might not just be freedom fights, but islamists and others, who would
establish a Islamic state. It is important to note, that this would be a
Sunnni islamic state, as most of these fighters come from Sunni
countries. And if there was a Sunni Islamic state, you can be fairly
sure that teh Shia minority would have a torrid time, after the events
of the past few weeks. A genocide could be possible. And stopping that
sort of shit is why the West wanted to go in to Syria in the first
place. Annoyingly, it could be that Assad would be the least brutal
ruler of Syria.
CONCLUSIONS The Fact is, who is running Syria and why we should be
involved is not as important to us as it is to other Countries. Russia
and Iran both, for different reasons, like the Syrian Government and
want it to stay in Power. Saudia Arabia, USA's close ally, dislike
Syria, for mainly religious reasons, and want them gone. And finally,
Western Governments find their approach to the pro-democracy protests as
well as the use of chemical weapons an unacceptable way for a
government to behave.
The West doesn't like them, the West regional allies don't like them.
And they support the West Geo-political opponents. Thats the reason.
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