Monday, 24 October 2011

I'm not Racist but...

This may well be the first time in history that somebody has said this without following it up with something horribly racist.  A more apt (but less eye catching) title would be 'I'm not xenophobic but...' I really do not like the EU.

The reason I am saying this today is because there is a vote in the House of Commons proposing that there should be a referendum on Britain's membership of the EU. MPs are being bullied by their whips into voting on party lines rather than with their conscience. A mistake I feel.

My opposition to the EU has nothing to do with a distaste for Johnny Foreigner. I like my European brethren just fine. I do feel uncomfortable at times being against the EU because there is a tendency to present anybody who is again the EU as little Englanders. A view not helped by dickheads like Nigel Farrange who never misses a chance to be insulting to people on the continent. Atheist groups have had gatherings for the past few years called Love Christmas, Hate Religion. I'd like there to be a campaign called 'Love Europe, hate the EU'.

My dislike of the EU is simple. Its unnecessary. The Europe Britain entered in the 70s was called the Common Market. That's what it was meant to be a common agreement between countries to trade freely. Then over the course of the next few decades there has been a slow creep towards turning it into a super-beaurocracy.

That is my objection. Britain already has an unwieldy beaurocracy of it's own. It's called the Civil Service. Why do we need a second even bigger one ? Beaurocracies are inefficient. I know I work for one in the council. And the bigger they are the more inefficient they are. We can never get back what we put into the EU which is the biggest beaurocracy in the world. And who does it benefit? Well there's the rub.

The people who benefit most from the EU are the political class of Europe. The EU is the gravy train that keeps on giving. Asking them to rid themselves of the EU is the perennial turkeys voting for christmas. So the status quo will continue. The EU will get larger, the political class will get fatter off the slush funds it provides and the people are voiceless.

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