Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Butterfly Effect

I was reflecting on one of the many butterfly effect moments today of my life today. I am on a course at the moment with other social workers and as usual we were whining. We discussed reorganisations and I remembered that in one of these reorganisations I was one of two workers in the borough given my third choice of team to go to. And thanks heavens I was.

Due to that I met my very good friends Lorraine Thompson, Emily Rouse, Becky Thompson, The boy Dave etc. But most importantly I met Angela Fletcher. I say this not to denigrate my colleagues mentioned previously. But Angela introduced me to Phoenix Theatre Company. 

Without Angela I would not know the redoubtable Michael, Emma and Sean, the elfish sprites Hannah and Jodie  and the truly, truly unique Jessica Hackett (if you've never met her your life thus far has been but a rehearsal). I would probably never have wrote Sleeping Beauty as I would have had no-one to write it for. 

And the thing is I would not have really felt the poorer because I would never have known. I would have walked past them in the street having no idea that I was missing out on some of the best people in the world. I don't grieve now for the people I never met or the paths my life would have taken if I had been sent to West Bromwich as I had asked. How can I ?

It makes my head ache a little thinking about all this. In the time I have wrote this I have thought about other such butterfly moments that came and went without me realising it. 


RedBreva said...

Know what you mean...

Whan I was 7 years old, I slipped and fell whils 'tightrope walking' a kerb stone, this dislocated my hip and led to several weeks in hospital and 18 months 'off school' in plaster.

When I was 20 I applied to join the Royal Marines as an 'Avionics Technition' (Helecoptor mechanic), passed the interview and apptitude tests etc. but failed the medical due to the previous hip injury..

Without that, I would not be where I am today, would never have met Amanda, and Amy and Alex would never have been born!

The Mighty Pierre said...

Yes you don't need to examine far to find these moments. I went into social work because a woman who was also applying for social work happened to be on a similar course to me one day.

Had no inclination to go on Social Work course before then. If she had not gone in I would have not met Doreen again and no Tanisha.