In the hopes of trying to restore this blog to some kind of regularly used blog I am going to try and write this in a regular weekly fashion.
Nuclear Elephant
There has been a great deal of talk over the last few months regarding the deficit. We all know it is big and that we need to tackle it. I work in the public sector and we are the public enemy number one it seems. It is our inflationary wages that our causing us all to be in hock. Now the right way to handle this I might suggest would be to say to everybody ‘look we’re in a bit of a hole here. We’re all going to have to sacrifice a bit for this. Which means public sector worker’s money will be frozen. But so will benefits. And taxes on the really well off will go up to so nobody feels picked on.’
Unfortunately this kind of plain speaking seems beyond British politicians at least. So what we have is a sustained attack on public sector workers. Who, if little else, do actually get up, go to work, pay taxes and spend money and do all the other things that make an economy work. The cause of this one track attack I think lies with our press who do like their easy hate figures. If you want proof look at the last two years as they have moved from Ross and brand to bankers to Social Workers to MPs to Gordon Brown…repeat.
And while this goes on we have the other story of Iran. Who may or may not be developing nuclear weapons. I have always thought that it is more than a little hypocritical of the rest of the world to lecture Iran while holding nuclear weapons themselves. I have heard various politicians and commentators try to justify this. But at heart it is simple hypocrisy. I have these arguments with my daughter who regularly points out what a hypocrite I am (although she is 6 and does not know the word hypocrite). I am left floundering and end up just feeling I have a right to be a hypocrite because I am an adult and that’s what 99% of us are. However I do realise how facile this argument. It is no less facile when it is elevated from an argument with a six year old to an argument between sovereign states.
Then we come to the elephant of the title. With all this talk of the deficit wouldn’t it make sense to scrap Trident. Even some of the generals, hardly wet lefties, have questioned their usefulness. So why keep it ? The money would ease the deficit, even if half of it was spent on the equipment our soldiers are lacking and would actually give us some moral authority when negotiating with Iran. Trident is the elephant in the room which could help solve so many problems.
World Cup Fever
Well we’re all going a bit silly over here again about England. With half the country declaring we will win and the other half saying we can’t win. The truth is both of those points of view are wrong. England are at best a quarter final team. However once we are there…who knows.
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