Tuesday, 21 October 2008

A Word about the Blog Title

It is a tribute to that peerless comedy show Seinfeld. Oh crap I just found out that there is a blog called No Hugs and No learning. But the guy has not poted there for two years and then he only posted twice.

Anyway this was apparently the motto of the show and it sums up perfectly for me why Seinfeld reigns supreme. I is a show that never once nodded its head in the way of sentimentality while never being nasty or unkind.

It is also the reason why Srubs is not as good as it likes to think. It has funny moments but they ruin it every episode with moments like the one below.

In that scenes you can bet we go on to a sentimental montage about how Dr. Cox screwed things up blah, blah, blah. But in Seinfeld, George is a cward and no apology is made.

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